Bookkeeping Services
Swallen is able to help its bookkeeping clients not only reconcile their bank and post their transactions but also pay their employees, file their payroll taxes, file their sales tax, file their CAT tax, and file their income tax at year-end. This is not an exhaustive list – we also offer general business consulting and much more.
Swallen offers various levels of assurance work based on client need. Many times clients can have a reviewed or compiled financial statement issued in lieu of an audit to save time and money. Swallen works closely with clients of all sizes to determine their needs.
Union Service Test
Liability Management
Industry Service Long Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eum consulatu gubergren eu. Mei nostrum nominavi ad, eos natum aliquip laboramus no. Et integre scriptorem ius, te tation iisque has. At epicuri fierent reprehendunt per, est ne regione fabulas.
Job Cost Reporting
Industry Service Long Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eum consulatu gubergren eu. Mei nostrum nominavi ad, eos natum aliquip laboramus no. Et integre scriptorem ius, te tation iisque has. At epicuri fierent reprehendunt per, est ne regione fabulas.
Contractor Payroll
Industry Service Long Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eum consulatu gubergren eu. Mei nostrum nominavi ad, eos natum aliquip laboramus no. Et integre scriptorem ius, te tation iisque has. At epicuri fierent reprehendunt per, est ne regione fabulas.
Asset Management Consulting
Industry Service Long Description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eum consulatu gubergren eu. Mei nostrum nominavi ad, eos natum aliquip laboramus no. Et integre scriptorem ius, te tation iisque has. At epicuri fierent reprehendunt per, est ne regione fabulas.
Construction Accounting
Construction accounting is very specialized. As many firms may not delve into this industry, we understand it and look for new clients in the various fields of construction. Accountants at Swallen understand work-in-process schedules that capture the progression of the work done by using percentages and estimates to quantify the profit/loss of a job. We perform audits or reviews for several of our construction clients especially for ones that need bonding or surety.
Our construction clients need audits for bonding. Many other clients need an audit for lending or other banking purposes. Still others need an audit for their shareholders or investors. Swallen is able to work closely with clients to issue a fair opinion based on the appropriate audit scope.
Tax Returns
We are able to offer a package to business clients that includes not only their business returns, but their personal returns as well. Swallen enjoys helping clients with all tax matters.